In homage of Pilar Ternera, seer and fortune-teller of Macondo and a beloved character in the works of Gabriel García Márquez, we present some tarot layouts. These have been inspired by popular Latin American songs, saying, stories, and characters, and they are perfect for performing card readings “a la macondiana”, in the style of Macondo.

The yes and the no, plucking petals off the daisy

With the sense of the great Carlos Gardel and his“Margaritas” (daisies), we are reminded of all the people who put themselves at risk for love, for their destiny and starting great, vital adventures, who at one time needed their questions answered in a manner as simple as plucking petals of a daisy: YES or NO.

For quick readings:

➊ Find the Ace of Flowers and place it at the center of the layout.

➋ Ask the querent to shuffle the remaining cards and separate them in two piles at either side of the Ace of Flowers.

➌ Now the querent may ask a question to which the daisy may respond YES or NO.

➍ Turn over the top card on each pile at the same time. If both cards are upright, the answer is YES. If both cards are reversed, the answer is NO. If one is upright and the other reversed, it means the flower does not want to answer this question.

➎ Then you will put both cards away and the querent will form a different question. We can continue to pluck the petals completely (our flower has 5 petals, therefore 5 questions, but the reader may decide upon a different number before beginning the reading).

The fisherman and the moon

The hypnotizing traditional Colombian cumbia by the master José Barros, called “The fisherman”, and sung majestically by Totó La Momposina, is the inspiration for this layout. This reading is indicated for when faced with a loud call about our destiny and we have doubts about our own talent, effort, ambition, or capricious luck. That same uncertainty is felt by the humble fisherman, who goes out on his own every night with his wattle and daub canoe and fishing net, trying to catch the thousands of goldfish of fortune that can be seen underwater by the moon’s reflection.

➊ The querent is asked to shuffle the cards. Once they’ve returned them to the reader, we shall place the first four cards on the deck (1a, 2a, 3a, 4a) until we’ve drawn the shape of the moon (A).

➋ We place the last card of the deck in the position of fisherman (B).

➌ We begin the reading by turning over the moon cards and connecting their meanings, understanding that the moon illuminates the fisherman (B) and this will be the last card that we turn over.

A) The Moon:

1a. What the querent loves to do (between 1a and 2a, the querent may find their mission).

2a. What the world needs from the querent (between 2a and 3a, the querent finds their vocation).

3a. How the querent may earn a living (between 3a and 4a, they find their profession).

4a. What the querent is good at and recognizably so (between 4a and 1a, we find the querent’s passion).B) The fisherman: destiny.

The Book


The Macondo Tarot


Altar Cloth
